Instinct…. Or Holy Spirit?

Something amazing happened to me today and i just have to share it…

Just another testimony of how God is ALWAYS with us….

So today i had an interview for a part time job… When i applied the way it was worded made it look like it was for a job that caters for events such as Royal Ascot, Olympics etc, so i was under the impression that i’d either be helping with the organising of the events or either serving at the events… Either way i have experience with the both so i clicked ‘Apply’. I was called 2 days later about the position and somewhere in the conversation he threw in that it may involve some ‘Cold Calling Telesales’…. Hmmmm…. I’m not the greatest with Telesales, i actually never answer my home telephone because its almost always an operator calling to talk to me about an accident that i’ve supposedly had in the last 3 years *side eye*… But i thought let me not knock it until i actually go and speak about the role further, so i accepted the interview.

As the days rolled closer to the interview date i was starting to think “Telelsales really isn’t me… Am i wasting my time???” But i always turned it around on my head and thought “In this climate, a job is a job, stop being so fussy and be grateful for the opportunity….”

The Interview was today…

This morning i was so apprehensive and really didn’t want to go, i was constantly talking to God and saying “Lord, why am i so unsure about this job? Why is it heavy on my heart that i don’t want to go?”… But i heard no response from my Father… So i just prayed and said “Lord…. I know you hear me, and you know my thoughts and doubts. If this is not your will father please show me a sign or direct this day according to your plan. Amen”

My interview was at 2:30pm… 1:45pm i was still laying in a full bath of bubbly water thinking i really don’t want to go lol… Luckily it was a 10min walk away, so i quickly got myself dressed and headed to this office.

As i got nearer my heart was pounding to the point i could hear it in my ears, i believed it was just nerves so just shook it off, pressed the buzzer to the office and entered.

As i entered the small office, i felt like someone grabbed me at the throat… It was hot, stuffy, i felt feint… Their was a heaviness in the atmosphere that i’d never felt before…

I was asked to be seated and fill in a form and wait to be called into the office as i was next. I had to open my jacket, i couldn’t understand why i was struggling to breathe, i actually felt like i was on the brink of having a panic attack, and i don’t have those often! As i was filling out the form i looked up… Plastered all over the walls in capital prints, was all the lies you must tell to sell your event package…




This was only some of what was written on their… I know cold calling Telesales is generally like this but sitting in the surroundings and seeing what they do being on the other side of that phone call…. I just couldn’t do it!! The lies ontop of lies they have to tell phone call after phone call… This is not me!! I then started to overhear the conversations on the phones around me “Hi there, i’m calling because i have just had a cancellation for a VIP Package for the Royal Ascot and thought of you….”… LIES!!! You thought of 3 other people before that person…

By this point my hands where sweaty and shaking, the stuffiness was getting to me, i went to pull at my neck to undo my scarf… Only to realise i didn’t even have one on! The final thing that got to me is that there was 2 girls standing behind me next to the door buzzer… The door buzzer went off and she cried out “JESUS CHRIST IN HELL, that scared me…” …. Erm what? Sorry? What did i just here? Blasphemy at its finest… I was so choked i really couldn’t comprehend what was happening around me… I HAD to get out of there…..

Luckily for me the interview was booked for 2:30pm, i arrived at 2:20pm and by 2:53pm i still hadn’t been seen. I was called into the office at 2:59pm and i had to calmly say “I’m so sorry, my daughters school finishes in 20mins and i didn’t realise i’d be here until now, is it ok if i call you to re-arrange another slot?”…. The manager kindly apologised and asked me to call him when i can as my CV was interesting. I rushed out as quickly as i could, obviously they must of thought i was running for the school run but i seriously just had to get OUT!! As soon as fresh air hit me i felt safe… The heaviness was gone… I have never walked home so fast in my life!!!

As soon as i got home… I didn’t even take my shoes and my jacket off… I just stood in my kitchen and cried out  “Thank You Father, Thank you for showing me your faithfulness, Thank you for showing me your Glory, Thank you for always being with me in any situation.. Thank you thank you thank you!!” ….

I cried…. Tears of Joy… Because our Father is amazing. Even when we don’t hear him he hears us. He ALWAYS answers prayers and is ALWAYS with us. I can’t explain what i felt in that office, all i know is that is wasn’t for me, i wasn’t meant to be there, and God revealed that to me.

The Holy Spirit is all powerful…. Is all knowing…. Is all seeing… Never underestimate his works and what he can do..

Thank you Holy Spirit….
