London Lights Church Launch ~ Sun 1st Dec


A brand new church is coming to town… A church that links Celebrities, Politicians and alike into the heart of London, all under one roof and with one passion… The Love of Christ!

London Lights is an amazing Church that i have had the pleasure of visiting and receiving an amazing word from. It is a non-denominational Church that breaks the mould from the norm. The Church is a transformational church, passionate about raising leaders and influencing popular culture, its mission is to create a kingdom impact locally, nationally and globally. Recently they have had guest speakers such as Colin Bloom, who is the Executive Director of the Christian Conservative Fellowship (CCF), which is the largest religious group within the House of Commons… A place where we need the Holy Spirit to be making movements in this day and age! Another week they had Johnny Kinch, the Founder and Director of Sunday Night Live! (SundayNightLive.Org.UK)

At their amazing launch this Sunday 1st December, they will have guest Ministers Gary Spicer and Andrew Edmiston, son of Lord Edmiston, from the Christian organisation The Lions (TheLions.Org.UK)

London Lights was put together by its amazing and inspirational Pastor, Richard Kays, who has featured on BBC3, Revelation TV and Inspiration TV to name a few, and  i will have the pleasure of interviewing him very soon, so keep posted for the upcoming interview!!

London Lights is warm, friendly, and welcoming. It is a relaxed atmosphere without falling short of the seriousness and presence of the Holy Spirit…

So if you can make it come on down to London Lights this Sunday, 6PM till 8PM, the address is:-

St Georges Church

Campden Hill

Aubrey Walk


W8 7JG

Come and be a part of an amazing night and the start of a positive stamp in London Town…

xx GB xx

Righteousness vs Holiness


It was bugging me that I couldn’t get a fine definition between Holiness and Righteousness…. So I did a little research and thought I’d share….


“To be holy is to be distinct, separate in a class by oneself. The one who is holy is uniquely holy with no rival or competition. To be holy is to be morally pure. When things are made holy they are consecrated, set apart unto purity, and to be used in a pure way….. Holiness means uniqueness(set apart)… Means belonging to God(dependant on him)… And Means living with him (in obedience to him)”

Holiness means wholeness, fulness, beauty and abundance. God lacks nothing. He is unbroken, undamaged, unfallen, completely complete and entire within himself. He is the invisible one, wholly self-sufficient, and the picture of perfection. The holiness of God indicates God does not accept what is not holy, all he accepts from us is that which he produces in and through us. As Christians we strive to be of him… For him to empty us of us and fill us with him…. Therefore it now makes sense to me why the first 4 of the 10 commandments which were about God, is all about holiness…

Some verses to study about holiness- Isaiah 6, 2 Corinthians 2-7, 1 Samuel 2:2 amongst others…


Righteousness is a state of moral perfection required by God. Human beings cannot achieve righteousness through their own efforts (hence why I believe God gave those first four commandments about him and holiness, once you have that foundation and relationship with him you can succeed in righteousness and fulfil/stick to the remainder of the commandments)

Righteousness is received through the faith of Christ as Saviour… This doctrine is called ‘Imputation’ …. His perfect righteousness is applied to imperfect humans. Salvation through his crediting of righteousness is a gift (Grace, which NO other religion offers!) Righteousness is leading a life that’s pleasing to God… It is an attribute of him, which it’s chief meaning is “ethical conduct”… The Hebrew word for Righteousness is ‘Tzedek’… The definition of it is righteous, integrity, equity, justice and straightness…. With the ‘root’ (Tsaw-Dak) meaning being upright, just, straight, innocent, true and sincere.

The first type of righteousness is achieved by believing in Gods word (John 6:63) Reading, Believing, and understanding whatsoever is said in the Bible is ABSOLUTE TRUTH. We must believe in his word because it gives us life! Second type of righteousness is gained by doing… Which is also brings us into the GRACE of God…. It’s a continuous process, we may fall many times but his promise is that he’ll NEVER abandon us… We must READ, UNDERSTAND and APPLY the bible into our lives because as its said in Hebrews 2:11 “We must pay more attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away”

Apply his word into our lives in order for us to walk before God and be blameless…. Plant his word as a seed and let our gardener (Jesus) prune and shape it to his own desire…

Matthew 5:20, Romans 3:20, Leviticus 19:36, Deuteronomy 25:1 to name a few on Righteousness….