Spirit…. Soul…. Flesh…

Circle Spirit, Soul and Body
Theres been something on my heart that I learnt in Sunday School a couple weeks ago and I feel like sharing…
You are made of 3 elements… You are a Spirit, that owns a Soul, inside a body. You will always be fighting 2 against 1, either Soul & Body vs Spirit, or Spirit & Soul vs Body… Your Spirit must ALWAYS win as the Spirit is eternal. Feed your Spirit with the word, water it, keep it strong. Do not live a defeated life by not spending enough time with our Heavenly Father. How do you live Holy and feed your Spirit in a world of Ungodliness??? By prayer, fasting, and living by HIS word…
Be mindful of what you watch, read and hear, negative/derogative TV, Magazines and Music all affects your Spirit… EVERYTHING you watch or hear feeds your Spirit, ensure it is healthy, it is positive, and most of all OF GOD… As David once said ‘I will set before my eyes no vile thing’…
Say a prayer this week:
Father God,
My spirit feels hungry. I confess that what I have been feeding my spirit has simply been junk food. I long for Your filling. Show me treasures in Your Word as I make time for You this week. Fill me up, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, and help me not to settle for less.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Just some scriptures:-
1 John 2:16
Hebrews 4:12
Romans 8:11

 xx GB xx

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